All of our clients have one thing in common:

they value expertise. 

We work with digitally minded, self-aware, and progressive companies who understand the true value of hiring experts that create impact. 

 Outsourcing your social media to full time, leading experts is the most efficient way to nurture your business.

Ania has been building successful campaigns for years and has an invaluable team of talent across the globe. 

All of our clients have one thing in common: they value expertise. 

Why Ask Ania?

Ania Barycka is a law school graduate turned Yahoo Global Top Ten Social Media Strategist, Coach and Manager.

She leverages social media to help brands attract leads, make sales and grow their businesses.

As a thought leader in the content creation space...

Ania offers brands a bespoke multi-platform method
to connect with new audiences in a meaningful and collaborative way.  

Everything hinges on a sense of fun and relatability. 

As a thought leader in the content creation space...

Ania offers brands a bespoke multi-platform method

to connect with new audiences in a meaningful and collaborative way.  

She leverages social media to help brands attract leads, make sales and grow their businesses. Everything hinges on a sense of fun and relatability.

Let's Do This!   →



Real customers resonate with authenticity.

As an expert in new and emerging trends, such as storytelling, live-selling & creative video content, as well as building loyal followings through effective community engagement, Ania has your back when it comes to reaching your customers.


Want To Know More?

I'm a type 3 on the Enneagram... so a big over-achiever.

I started my business as a side-hustle in March 2020 right when Covid-19 hit and took it full time in December 2020.

I genuinely love meeting people, having a good laugh and a glass of wine!

Hi friend! My name is Gustav. I'm so excited that you're here!

I'm my mom's favorite little ball of spikes who likes to hang out with her as she works on exciting new content for you every day.

I also love running on my wheel, but if you're tired of spinning your wheels, you should totally follow her - I guarantee that you will learn a lot about social media, and you'll also get to see me up to my cute antics!

See you again soon! *Huff Huff*

- Gustav